Marinella Maggiori
Music Therapist
MA in Music Therapy at the University of Bristol (UWE) and graduated Dams Music at the University of Bologna, I perform as Music Therapist and Project Coordinator, Training, Tutoring and Supervision activities in music therapy. Registered in the AIM list of professionals and certified Music Therapist AICQ SICEV certification scheme recognized by ACCREDIA according to Law 4/2013 and subsequent standard UNI 11592:2015 on ART THERAPY.
Since October 2022 I have held the position of President of the Italian Association of Music Therapy Professionals (AIM), a nonprofit association established in order to safeguard, promote and enhance the profession in music therapy, of which I was a board member from 2009 to 2019 and vice president.
In this capacity, I supported and obtained the candidacy and award of the World Music Therapy Conference in Italy, in Bologna, in 2026.
Since 1993 I have been in charge of the organizational management and coordination of the activities of the Association Diapason Progetti Musicali APS, of which today I am also President.
I designed and implemented international training and supervision projects in Music Therapy in collaboration with Regional, National and International Cooperation institutions (AICS): “Harmoniously Project” (2017-19) and “Building with Music Project” (2022-2025) in Mozambique.
Speaker at numerous national, European and World Music Therapy conferences including: Brisbane-Australia (2005), Eindhoven-Holland (2007) Cadiz-Spain (2010), Pretoria-South Africa (Online 2020), and Vancouver-Canada (2023).
Music therapy and training
From 2014 to 2022 I was a lecturer at the Conservatory “A. Casella” of L’Aquila in the course History and Fundamentals of Music Therapy, Theoretical Models and Methodologies I and II, in the course of Music Therapy Didactics, and at Private Courses in Music Therapy in Italy and European (Lemmens Campus Leuven, Belgium) and non-European (Maputo, Mozambique) University Training Institutions.
Since 1990 I have worked in public and private facilities and in schools of all levels in organizing and conducting musical and music therapy activities with children, youth and adults, and in teacher training courses.
In addition, I have carried out concert activities as a choir director, chorister, solo singer and ocarinist at various institutions in the Bologna area.
Music therapy and rehabilitation
I believe in the professional use of music to improve the quality of life, which is why from 2002 to the present I have been working as a music therapist with children and young people with various disabilities, physical and mental at the Centro Ambulatoriale di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione di Neuropsichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza “Antoniano Insieme” in Bologna and from 2013 to 2016, also at the INAIL Prosthesis Center in Vigorso di Budrio (Bo) with traumatized and prosthetic adults, youths and children.

Music Therapy
The professional use of music to improve quality of life In line with the World Federation Music Therapy definition, music therapy is the professional use of music and its elements by a qualified music therapist with individuals, groups, families or communities seeking to improve their quality of life and their physical, social, communicative, emotional, intellectual and spiritual condition.
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President A.I.M. Italian Professional Association of Music Therapy

Professional Member della World federation of Music Therapy

President Associazione Diapason Progetti Musicali APS

Music Therapist Antoniano di Bologna

Music therapy teacher at the Conservatory Alfredo Casella