Music therapy
The professional use of music to improve quality of life
In line with the World Federation Music Therapy definition, music therapy is the professional use of music and its elements by a qualified music therapist with individuals, groups, families or communities seeking to improve their quality of life and their physical, social, communicative, emotional, intellectual and spiritual condition.
The profession of the music therapist
Research, practice, education and training in music therapy are based on professional standards according to different cultural, social and political contexts.
In accordance with UNI Standard 11592:2015, qualified and certified music therapists work for individual and collective well-being as formulated by the World Health Organization, i.e., a state of complete physical, psychological, and social well-being and not simply the absence of disease.

The practice of music therapy
Music Therapy in Italy is used as an additional complementary resource in educational and preventive contexts, and in the health care context for rehabilitative-therapeutic purposes exclusively on the indication and under the responsibility of health care personnel.
Music therapy in Italy and in the world
Associations such as AIM in Italy and the World Federation Music Therapy in the world, were born and are constantly engaged in popularizing music therapy, promoting, enhancing and updating the profession of music therapist, advancing studies and research in the field in collaboration with institutions such as universities, conservatories, and foundations working in the field of training, care and well-being.

Marinella Maggiori
President AIM, RL Europe World Federation Music Therapy, Associazione Diapason Progetti Musicali, Antoniano Insieme Music Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer in Music Therapy, since 1990 I have been carrying out teaching and music therapy activities in public and private facilities, schools and universities.
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